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Borland C++ V5.02
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// Borland Services Library
// Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 by Borland International, All Rights Reserved
//$Revision: 5.20 $
// Reliable platform independent header for common memory and string functions
#if !defined(SERVICES_MEMORY_H)
#if !defined(SERVICES_DEFS_H)
# include <services/defs.h>
#if defined(BI_COMP_BORLANDC)
# include <mem.h>
# include <memory.h>
#if !defined(__STRING_H) && !defined(_INC_STRING)
# include <string.h>
#if !defined(__TCHAR_H)
# include <tchar.h>
#if !defined(SERVICES_WSYSINC_H)
# include <services/wsysinc.h>
#if defined(BI_PLAT_MSW)
// To support double-byte and extended characters, map the standard string
// functions to the windows calls (but not if they are macros)
# if defined(_Windows)
inline int _RTLENTRYF _tcscmp(const _TCHAR far* s1, const _TCHAR far* s2)
{return lstrcmp(s1, s2);}
inline int _RTLENTRYF _tcsicmp(const _TCHAR far* s1, const _TCHAR far* s2)
{return lstrcmpi(s1, s2);}
# if !defined(strcmpi)
inline int strcmpi(const _TCHAR far* s1, const _TCHAR far* s2)
{return lstrcmpi(s1, s2);}
# endif //strcmpi
# else //This is DOS
inline int _RTLENTRYF _tcscmp(const _TCHAR far* s1, const _TCHAR far* s2)
{return strcmp(s1, s2);}
inline int _RTLENTRYF _tcsicmp(const _TCHAR far* s1, const _TCHAR far* s2)
{return strcmpi(s1, s2);}
# if !defined(strcmpi)
inline int strcmpi(const _TCHAR far* s1, const _TCHAR far* s2)
{return strcmpi(s1, s2);}
# endif
# endif //_Windows
#endif //BI_PLAT_MSW
#if defined(BI_DBCS_SUPPORT)
inline uint CharSize(const _TCHAR far* s) {return ::AnsiNext(s) - s;}
inline uint CharSize(const _TCHAR far*) {return sizeof(_TCHAR);}
#if defined(BI_PLAT_MSW)
inline _TCHAR CharUpper(_TCHAR c) {::AnsiUpperBuff(&c,1); return c;}
inline _TCHAR CharLower(_TCHAR c) {::AnsiLowerBuff(&c,1); return c;}
#if defined(BI_NAMESPACE)
namespace ClassLib {
template<class T> class TCharIterator {
TCharIterator(T far* p);
T far* Next() const;
T far* Current() const;
T far* operator ++(); // prefix
T far* operator ++(int); // postfix
operator T far*() const;
T far* P;
template<class T> class TBidirCharIterator : public TCharIterator<T> {
TBidirCharIterator(T far* begin, T far* p);
T far* Prev() const;
T far* operator --(); // prefix
T far* operator --(int); // postfix
T far* Begin;
template<class T> inline TCharIterator<T>::TCharIterator(T far* p)
template<class T> inline T far* TCharIterator<T>::Next() const
#if defined(BI_DBCS_SUPPORT)
return *P ? ::AnsiNext(P) : P + 1;
return P + 1;
template<class T> inline T far* TCharIterator<T>::Current() const
return P;
template<class T> inline T far* TCharIterator<T>::operator ++()
return P = Next();
template<class T> inline T far* TCharIterator<T>::operator ++(int)
T far* p = P;
P = Next();
return p;
template<class T> inline TCharIterator<T>::operator T far*() const
return P;
template<class T> inline TBidirCharIterator<T>::TBidirCharIterator(T far* begin, T far* p)
P(p), Begin(begin)
template<class T> inline T far* TBidirCharIterator<T>::Prev() const
#if defined(BI_DBCS_SUPPORT)
return ::AnsiPrev(Begin, P);
return P > Begin ? P - 1 : P;
template<class T> inline T far* TBidirCharIterator<T>::operator --() // prefix
return P = Prev();
template<class T> inline T far* TBidirCharIterator<T>::operator --(int) // postfix
T far* p = P;
P = Prev();
return p;
#if defined(BI_NAMESPACE)
} // namespace ClassLib
// Inline versions of memory.h & string.h functions, overloaded for far ptrs
// for use when in a near data model.
#if defined(BI_DATA_NEAR)
inline void far* memccpy(void far* d, const void far* s, int c, size_t n)
{return _fmemccpy(d, s, c, n);}
inline void far* memchr(const void far* s, int c, size_t n)
{return _fmemchr(s, c, n);}
inline int memcmp(const void far* s1, const void far* s2, size_t n)
{return _fmemcmp(s1, s2, n);}
inline void far* memcpy(void far* d, const void far* s, size_t n)
{return _fmemcpy(d, s, n);}
inline int memicmp(const void far* s1, const void far* s2, size_t n)
{return _fmemicmp(s1, s2, n);}
inline void far* memset(void far* s, int c, size_t n)
{return _fmemset(s, c, n);}
inline void far* memmove(void far* d, const void far* s, size_t n)
{return _fmemmove(d, s, n);}
inline _TCHAR far* _tcscat(_TCHAR far* d, const _TCHAR far* s)
{return _fstrcat(d, s);}
inline _TCHAR far* _tcschr(const _TCHAR far* s, int c) {return _fstrchr(s, c);}
inline _TCHAR far* _tcscpy(_TCHAR far* d, const _TCHAR far* s)
{return _fstrcpy(d, s);}
inline size_t _tcslen(const _TCHAR far* s) {return _fstrlen(s);}
inline _TCHAR far* _tcslwr(_TCHAR far* s) {return _fstrlwr(s);}
inline _TCHAR far* strncat(_TCHAR far* d, const _TCHAR far* s, size_t maxlen)
{return _fstrncat(d, s, maxlen);}
inline int _tcsncmp(const _TCHAR far* s1, const _TCHAR far* s2, size_t maxlen)
{return _fstrncmp(s1, s2, maxlen);}
inline _TCHAR far* _tcsncpy(_TCHAR far* d, const _TCHAR far* s, size_t maxlen)
{return _fstrncpy(d, s, maxlen);}
inline int _tcsnicmp(const _TCHAR far* s1, const _TCHAR far* s2, size_t maxlen)
{return _fstrnicmp(s1, s2, maxlen);}
inline _TCHAR far* _tcsrchr(const _TCHAR far* s, int c) {return _fstrrchr(s, c);}
inline _TCHAR far* _tcstok(_TCHAR far* s1, const _TCHAR far* s2)
{return _fstrtok(s1, s2);}
inline _TCHAR far* _tcsupr(_TCHAR far* s) {return _fstrupr(s);}
// Type overloaded version of Window's huge mem copy (hmemcpy) for flat memory
// models.
#if defined(BI_PLAT_WIN32)
inline void hmemcpy(void* d, const void* s, long n) {memcpy(d, s, n);}
// A C++ version of strdup(), strnewdup(). Uses new char[], to allow duplicated
// strings to be deleted[].
// Also a far string version of atol for near data models
_TCHAR* _SVCSFUNC strnewdup(const _TCHAR* s, size_t minAllocSize = 0);
#if defined(BI_DATA_NEAR)
_TCHAR far* _SVCSFUNC strnewdup(const _TCHAR far* s, size_t minAllocSize = 0);
_TCHAR* _SVCSFUNC nstrnewdup(const _TCHAR far* s, size_t minAllocSize = 0);
long atol(const _TCHAR far* s);
# define nstrnewdup strnewdup
#if !defined(BI_PLAT_WIN16)
# if !defined(_WCHAR_T_DEFINED)
typedef unsigned short wchar_t;
# endif
wchar_t* _SVCSFUNC strnewdup(const wchar_t* s, size_t minAllocSize = 0);
wchar_t* _SVCSFUNC _tcscpy(wchar_t* dst, const wchar_t* src);
size_t _SVCSFUNC _tcslen(const wchar_t* s);
#endif // SERVICES_MEM_H